The job interview is complete; you’ve answered all their questions to the best of your ability while asking a few of your own. Now the big question is whether or not you’ll get hired. Below are ten signs you will get the job after the interview.

They Offer You a Tour

Hiring managers will not provide tours to the majority of applicants, the reason being that workplace tours tend to be time consuming. So if they offer one to you, this is a very good sign that you’re going to get the job. However, be forewarned that office tours may sometimes be a bit awkward since it puts you in the spotlight while everyone will stop to see who the new person is.

They Bring up Benefits and Perks

Bear in mind that the primary purpose of job interviews is to ascertain whether a candidate meets the criteria needed to fulfill a specific employment role. This means that the majority of job interviews will be quite formal, but if it gets to a point where they start talking casually about the benefits, perks, or other things, it likely means that they’ve gotten past the point of determining whether you’re a good fit and are showcasing how good their company is.

The Interview Lasts for a While

On a typical day, hiring managers have to process multiple interviews for just a single position. This means that each interview has to last for a certain period of time in order for them to remain on schedule and organized. If you notice that your interview has gone on for a lot longer than others, this is a very good sign, because it means the interviewer is interested in what you’re offering and wants to take more time to become acquainted with you. Likewise, a short interview means you’re probably not what they’re looking for!

They Inquire About Your Schedule or Availability

Usually, questions regarding your schedule or availability should be asked later during the hiring stage. However, if the question is raised during the initial interview, this most likely means you’re a shoe in for the position. In many cases, companies won’t even bring up your availability until you’ve filled out the paperwork needed to join the team. Aside from that, another factor that must be taken into consideration is the transition timeline.  For instance, the hiring manager might ask when you can begin working and the amount of time you’ll need to get transitioned into the job.

They Want You to Meet Other Employees

The implications of this are akin to being offered the office tour. While it may seem a bit awkward to go around being introduced to the different employees and executives, you should be elated as it is almost guaranteed that you’ve got the position. Few hiring managers take the time to introduce every applicant to the team, so if they do it for you, that means you’re a special case. Furthermore, team introductions are important for other reasons. It gives you the opportunity to know the people you’ll work with which eases tension, and it also gives the manager the chance to get a second opinion regarding a decision they’ve made, especially if it’s a higher up. 

They Speak With Your References

When applying for a job, most companies will require you to provide references, usually of previous employers. Given the time and amount of work that goes into contacting the references of each applicant, if you discover they’ve contacted your previous employer this is good news, as it means there is a strong chance you’ll get hired, especially if your previous boss gave you stellar reviews. After all, it makes little sense to contact the references of someone you have no intention of hiring, right?

They Ask What You Think of Their Company

In some cases, the hiring manager might ask what you think of their company or the position itself. It is highly recommended to prepare your answer in advance. If you’ve done your homework on the company and the industry they operate in, you’ll be able to highlight little facts which you found attractive. This answer will further impress the interviewer as it shows you took the time to study their business, as opposed to just applying for the job because it provides a good salary and benefits. 

They Go Over Salary Expectations

If the hiring manager begins going over salary expectations, this is another excellent sign, because it means they’ve transitioned beyond deciding whether they want to hire you to discussing salary and how much you’ll earn. If the salary is something that can be negotiated, you’ll need to know this in advance. You need to develop a realistic expectation of how much you should earn given the position and be prepared to walk away if it isn’t met.

They Manifest Positive Body Language

One important skill that would be good to master (if you don’t already have it) is learning to read body language. In the case of a job interview, there are a number of non-verbal cues the interviewer might give off which indicate they’re interested in hiring you. Examples of this include leaning forward when talking to you, making good eye contact and nodding when you speak. All these behaviors are indications of positive interest. 

They Go Over Details and Use Words such as “When”

Hiring managers are supposed to be neutral during the interview process. Senior interviewers have often done interviews with hundreds of applicants and are used to asking similar questions repeatedly. However, if they begin getting into details, such as inquiring more about your job history or experience, this means they like what they hear and want to learn more. Also, listen for phrases such as “when” rather than “if.” A hiring manager that uses the word “when” a lot shows they’re strongly  considering you for the position, whereas if they are using the word “if” frequently it means they haven’t decided if they want to hire you yet.